neděle 20. září 2009

The Santa Barbara Independent godd 9/11 controlled demolition official media article

Santa Barbara Independent, 9/11 Twin Towers, Twin Myths? ~Very good article in official media on 9/11 controlled demolition. I'd say it diminishes, or overlooks little bit the paramount importance of Dr. Jones, Prof Harrit scientific evidence work.

The Santa Barbara Independent Twin Towers, Twin Myths?

čtvrtek 17. září 2009

Kdo zastavil valecne pripravy, vydaje na zbrojeni, silenstvi pravicove valky? Lide Ceske Republiky -

Who Stopped Missile Offense? Who stopped crazy war preparation, arms races expenses, right wing war? The People of the Czech Republic.

What Stopped Missile Offense? The People of the Czech Republic |

čtvrtek 3. září 2009

Russia’s super-rich feel the squeeze - many oligarchy capitalists lost up to 90% in the present financial crisis.

Russian oligarchy capitalism, worth of people with at least $1 bill - $450 billion in 2008, shrunk in crisis to $107 billion in 09. Alekperov, Lukoil, $7.6 bill, Abramovich, Chelsea, $2.78 bill, Deripaska lost 90%, $40 bil to $5 bill. Finans magazine.

Children of Russia’s super-rich feel the squeeze - Times Online