sobota 23. ledna 2010

Electro-pulse cannon stops cars in their tracks | DVICE

Electro-pulse cannon stops cars in their tracks

Electro-pulse cannon stops cars in their tracks.

Today's cars are so full of computerized electronics that one serious electromagnetic pulse could stop any car built after the mid-'70s in an instant.

Suitcase-sized electromagnetic pulse (EMP) cannon immediately disables a car or truck from 656 feet

Electro-pulse cannon stops cars in their tracks | DVICE

úterý 12. ledna 2010

Karel Čapek (Capek): 120th birthday -

Karel Čapek(Capek), Czech writer:120th birthday. Capek invented the word robot.

Czech Rep also is perhaps the only country, with China, where Google is not no one! It is local

In Czech Republic newly, limits on drugs were set as 3 times more than even most liberal Netherlands.

Czech rep also drinks the most beer per capita in the world. Czech

The Reference Frame: Karel Čapek: 120th birthday

neděle 10. ledna 2010

Vitamin D deficiency increasingly common

Vitamin D deficiency increasingly common. Cod liver oil is the best source of vitamin D. Wearing sunblock prevents vitamin D production. It might only take a few minutes of sun exposure every day to create enough vitamin D.

Well-known reputation for building and maintaining strong bones, vitamin D could be tied to cancer prevention and cardiovascular health, and some researchers are looking into a connection between vitamin D deficiency and gum disease

Vitamin D deficiency increasingly common

sobota 2. ledna 2010

The Body Toxic - everyday things toxic hazards

Everyday toxics: soft-plastic toys: A new law banned six types of phthalates, linked to breast cancer, decreased sperm counts and birth defects, in soft plastic toys in 2008. Many phthalate-containing toys are still in kids' toy boxes...Canned food, including baby formula: Resin linings in most food and drink cans contain bisphenol A, an estrogen-
mimicking chemical linked to hormone disruption, reproduction and fertility problems, birth defects and prostate cancer.
Upholstered furniture: Brominated flame retardants used in foam cushions are associated with an array of negative effects, including permanent learning and
memory impairment. A pilot study showed a link between PBDEs and hyperthyroidism in house cats.

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